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Ted Baker Case Study

Why did Ted Baker choose Clear Review, and how is it going so far?

With Gary Beggs, Development Partner at Ted Baker

Company info

Ted Baker is a well-known name to many, the British luxury clothing company started up in 1988 as a standalone store, and has now sky rocketed into popularity, with stores all over the world.

  • Industry


  • Headquarters

    London, United Kingdom

  • Company Size

    2,500 employees

Ted Bak­er is a well-known name to many, the British lux­u­ry cloth­ing com­pa­ny start­ed up in 1988 as a stand­alone store, and has now sky rock­et­ed into pop­u­lar­i­ty, with stores all over the world. We caught up with Gary Beg­gs, who is a Devel­op­ment Part­ner at Ted Bak­er and has worked for the com­pa­ny for 17 years, to find out why they chose to join the Clear Review fam­i­ly in Decem­ber of last year. 

Before Ted Bak­er imple­ment­ed Clear Review they were doing things old school, many of their man­agers were still doing pen and paper appraisals, and the rest were record­ing them on a doc­u­ment on a com­put­er, only to be filed away and poten­tial­ly not looked at for 6 months. 

Ted Bak­er has a strong peo­ple cul­ture, they look to hire from with­in, devel­op their staff, encour­ag­ing tal­ent­ed and expe­ri­enced peo­ple to stay with the com­pa­ny. Which is why they want­ed to improve the way they dealt with per­for­mance man­age­ment, so they could bet­ter mon­i­tor per­for­mance, devel­op­ment, engage­ment and well-being of their employees.

Whilst I think most of the team at Ted would attest to us hav­ing always had a strong & unique Peo­ple cul­ture, we def­i­nite­ly saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take the prin­ci­ples of what we knew we were doing well and bring our process­es more in line with cur­rent think­ing. We want­ed to ensure that the devel­op­ment of our team mem­ber expe­ri­ence going for­ward was based on tan­gi­ble data as opposed to what we felt” was true.” Gary Beg­gs, Devel­op­ment Part­ner, Ted Baker.

Ted Bak­er is a com­pa­ny that has team mem­bers in many dif­fer­ent set­tings, span­ning across many coun­tries, as a result imple­ment­ing a per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem that could work for every­one sound­ed like a tricky task. They need­ed some­thing that was sophis­ti­cat­ed enough to allow for peo­ple across the com­pa­ny to arrange check-in ses­sions, set and mon­i­tor goals, give and receive feed­back, and that could be used for man­agers and HR to pull all rel­e­vant ana­lyt­ics, whilst being sim­ple enough for all employ­ees to start using with­out exces­sive train­ing, which was a big pos­i­tive dur­ing lock­down when all train­ing had to be done remotely.

As with many organ­i­sa­tions, when Ted Bak­er first intro­duced a new per­for­mance man­age­ment plat­form there were some scep­tics, those who were very com­fort­able with how they were cur­rent­ly doing things. How­ev­er these con­cerns were over­come quick­ly’ as peo­ple begun to see how sim­ple the sys­tem was to use, Clear Review is such a sim­ple sys­tem that after watch­ing a 2 minute train­ing video, the team were able to get up and run­ning with it straight away. And because they could start using it so quick­ly, it wasn’t long before employ­ees begun to see how the sys­tem could ben­e­fit them. 

Mov­ing for­ward Clear Review will be intro­duced dur­ing the on board­ing process, so that new mem­bers of staff get famil­iar with the sys­tem straight off the bat. This way team mem­bers are like­ly to be even bet­ter at keep­ing up with using the sys­tem on a reg­u­lar basis, as it will become sec­ond nature to them.

One of the main ben­e­fits Ted Bak­er has noticed since they start­ed using Clear Review, is the real time feed­back tool. This tool has been allow­ing staff mem­bers who might feel over­looked (such as shop floor work­ers) to receive feed­back from leaders. 

One exam­ple being when, Senior Retail Team mem­bers vis­it stores, and notice what a great job one of the shop floor assis­tants was doing, on their way back home they can go onto Clear Review and give that employ­ee a good piece of feed­back. By doing this the employ­ee feels seen and appre­ci­at­ed, encour­ag­ing them to con­tin­ue doing a good job, and their man­ag­er gets noti­fied of their job well done and can record that as part of their evaluation. 

They are also using the tool to get feed­back on inter­nal work­shops, so they can find out straight away after if it was use­ful, changes staff would sug­gest etc. This works a lot bet­ter than send­ing round a sur­vey a few days after the fact and hop­ing peo­ple will fill it out and send it back.

The feed­back func­tion­al­i­ty with­in Clear Review was ini­tial­ly the ele­ment I per­son­al­ly was most excit­ed about, giv­en the poten­tial impact on engage­ment that this kind of recog­ni­tion could bring. To have senior mem­bers of the Ted team be able to direct­ly recog­nise the invalu­able con­tri­bu­tion of our front line Sales team, speaks back to our com­pa­ny val­ues of Authen­tic­i­ty & Kind­ness in the most tan­gi­ble of ways.” Gary Beg­gs, Devel­op­ment Part­ner, Ted Baker.

Ted Bak­er want to use Clear Review to con­tin­ue to improve the employ­ee expe­ri­ence. This will involve encour­ag­ing even more team com­mu­ni­ca­tion so that team mem­bers feel sup­port­ed, and chang­ing the way they set objec­tives by mov­ing from annu­al objec­tives, to set­ting short term agile goals with­in Clear Review. 

As Ted Bak­er try to hire from with­in to fill a lot of their roles, they also plan to use Clear Review more to help with skill devel­op­ment. They can do this with the set­ting of per­son­al devel­op­ment goals, from this peo­ple will be able to decide with the guid­ance of their man­ag­er the best course of action to get where they want to be. This could be train­ing cours­es, more fre­quent one on one time with their man­agers, shad­ow­ing in dif­fer­ent depart­ments and so on. 

There is also a val­ues refresh cur­rent­ly hap­pen­ing with­in Ted Bak­er, which will affect the way feed­back is giv­en, as each piece of feed­back should link back to these val­ues in some way. Clear Review will be catch­ing up with Gary from Ted Bak­er again in a few months to hear about the excit­ing progress they are mak­ing towards these goals.