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Employee work engagement is a crucial factor in boosting performance

The Key to Employee Engagement

Published on October 13, 2020

Engagement isn’t just about happiness. It’s about how immersed and fulfilled you feel with our work. This has a huge impact on the productivity and performance of your employees.

This is why employee engagement and performance go hand in hand. Focusing on work engagement creates an environment which helps people do their jobs and paves a way for a workplace where managers can have richer, more effective conversations with their team.

Powering performance with engaged employees

This eBook is designed to give you a new perspective on work engagement and how it can translate into sustainable high performance.

Table of contents

Chapter 1

What is employee engagement?

In this chap­ter we explore what we mean by employ­ee engage­ment. Every orga­ni­za­tion has a dif­fer­ent approach to employ­ee engage­ment, some have it high on the agen­da, and for some it’s an after­thought. We reveal what the key research behind employ­ee engage­ment says, how engage­ment is evolv­ing in today’s orga­ni­za­tions and how engage­ment and per­for­mance are linked. 

What Is Employee Engagement?
Let’s get to the bottom of employee engagement — what it means, where the concept began and how increased engagement levels can impact business
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Performance and engagement: Why the workplace is evolving
Job satisfaction is one of the bugbears of the 21st century. We’re awash with statistics which tell us that western economies are plagued with unengaged workers, plodding glumly to the office to do the bare minimum possible.
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Employee Engagement Research: What Does the Science Say?
There is a whole host of employee engagement research out there that will help to perfect your performance management system. Here are our top six recommendations.
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Chapter 3

Why is employee engagement important?

Count­less stud­ies have shown the impor­tant role employ­ee engage­ment plays in per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. By doing so, employ­ee engage­ment has a wider impact on oth­er areas of an orga­ni­za­tion too. By improv­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and per­for­mance, engaged employ­ees also have a pos­i­tive impact on an orga­ni­za­tion’s bot­tom line. In this chap­ter, we look at why employ­ee engage­ment is impor­tant, how it impact’s the bot­tom line, and why leg­is­la­tion is mak­ing it a board­room issue. 

Why Is Employee Engagement Important?
Most of us would probably agree that employee engagement has an impact on employee performance. But can this be proved? And does it translate into improved organisational performance?
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Different Ways Employee Engagement Impacts Your Bottom Line
Employee engagement impacts the bottom line in many ways. However, engagement is often overlooked by organizations, as they seek other methods to increase the bottom line with minimal cost. In this article, we explore how engagement increases productivity, employee retention and performance.
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Legislation now makes employee engagement a boardroom issue
Regulations require UK organisations to be clear on how they're engaging with their people as part of their Directors' Reports. We look at the performance benefits to having a strong engagement strategy, and tying it directly to performance management.
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Chapter 4

Putting employee engagement at the top of the agenda

Tra­di­tion­al­ly, employ­ee engage­ment has been con­sid­ered sole­ly a HR issue. How­ev­er, the more we look into it, the more we realise that employ­ee engage­ment is every­one’s respon­si­bil­i­ty in an orga­ni­za­tion. In this chap­ter we look at how lead­ers, man­agers and employ­ees play a role in improv­ing employ­ee engagement. 

Employee engagement is everyone's responsibility. Not HR’s alone.
Employee engagement is not just HR's responsibility. To truly understand how engaged your employees are, everyone in an organization, from senior leaders, all the way to employees, should take some ownership of engagement.
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Chapter 5

Measuring work engagement

What is work engagement?

There are many dif­fer­ent ways of mea­sur­ing engage­ment. Clear Review’s method­ol­o­gy of mea­sur­ing engage­ment is based on work engage­ment.” Work engage­ment is a proven fac­tor in high per­for­mance. Research has revealed that work engage­ment is the biggest sin­gle fac­tor that pre­dicts work task per­for­mance (36%), com­pared to trans­for­ma­tion­al lead­er­ship which is 10%. A good envi­ron­ment for work engage­ment is one in which the employ­ee under­stands the pur­pose of the com­pa­ny and the role their jobs play in its suc­cess. An engaged work­force leads to a high per­form­ing one because employ­ees are immersed in their job, and enthu­si­as­tic and clear about their impact on an organization.

Ener­gy, pur­pose and immersion

There are three engage­ment fac­tors all relat­ed to per­for­mance and its out­comes. They are ener­gy, pur­pose and immersion. 

Ener­gy: If you have ener­gy at work, you have the met­al ener­gy and resilience to get through chal­lenges at work. You have the ener­gy to get through it because you have the peo­ple around you to sup­port and the resources or bud­get to sup­port you. This is some­thing that is enabled through the work­place environment. 

Pur­pose: Hav­ing pur­pose at work is know­ing that what you are doing is going to accom­plish some­thing and has some sort of impact and effect. If you are doing work that no one cares about, that does­n’t mat­ter, and you don’t have a pur­pose to get stuff done, it can be high­ly dis­en­gag­ing. Hav­ing a sense of pur­pose boosts engagement. 

Immer­sion: Immer­sion is all about the flow of your work. It’s all about hav­ing the right lev­el of chal­lenge and dif­fi­cul­ty. If you get caught up in it and lose track of time, in a good way, it gives you a sense of flow in your work­place because you are immersed in your work.

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