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Videos on Performance Management and Engagement

Getting new staff up and running

How to get new staff up and running quickly

Ensure new staff get the best possible onboarding experience.
The Great Resignation Thumbnail

The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation is upon us but how can you retain your employees?
Helping Staff Adjust

How continuous performance management can help with adjusting to hybrid life

Hybrid working is a new way of working for many people and could come with it's fair share of challenges. Learn how continuous performance management can help…
Engagement Unpredictable Times

Keeping engagement high during unpredictable times

Studies show us that employees who are more engaged, are more likely to perform better than those who aren’t. But how do you boost engagement in an…
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How Snapshots enable a performance review that isn't an appraisal

We know that organ­i­sa­tions need to be able to iden­ti­fy their high poten­tial tal­ent in a robust, evi­den­tial and non-biased way. Like you, we know your…
Thumbnail introducing the performance snapshot

Introducing the performance snapshot

Performance appraisals have two major flaws. They take far too long to complete so employees and managers dread them; and they suffer from recency bias,…
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Taking meaningful action from engagement data

Why it's vital to act on engagement data, and why you need to ground those actions in work outcomes
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Why engagement and performance need to work together

Why engagement is such an important part of performance management, and how the right tech can bring both together.
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What's wrong with employee engagement right now?

Why it's vital to measure engagement in the right way.

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