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5 steps to a great remote onboarding process

5 steps to great remote onboarding

With most employ­ees now work­ing from home due to the impact of COVID-19, imple­ment­ing a smooth remote-employ­ee onboard­ing is more impor­tant than ever. Why? Accord­ing to a recent report, tal­ent scarci­ty and high staff turnover are among the biggest chal­lenges organ­i­sa­tions face in 2022, so it’s more imper­a­tive than ever for com­pa­nies to retain employees.

So, how can a com­pa­ny refine their onboard­ing process for their remote employ­ees? Read our blog below to find out more.

1) Make employ­ees feel welcome

First things first, you’ll want the employ­ee to feel that they’ve made the right choice in choos­ing to work for your com­pa­ny. Pri­or to their first day, con­sid­er send­ing employ­ees a wel­come pack to intro­duce them to your com­pa­ny. This could include role-rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion and doc­u­men­ta­tion. You could also intro­duce them to their new col­leagues on their first day by arrang­ing wel­come videos or emails cre­at­ed by their team­mates, which could include tips or advice that may help them get settled.

2) Arrange the onboard­ing basics

Focus on the basics of the onboard­ing expe­ri­ence. This could include: sched­ul­ing meet­ings with the new hire first thing in the morn­ing and at the end of the first day, sched­ul­ing an infor­mal vir­tu­al team lunch for the new employ­ee to meet their new team­mates, set­ting them up with a per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem to check their over­all progress and achieve­ments through­out their role, and sup­ply­ing them with infor­ma­tion such as videos or web links to teach them about the company’s his­to­ry and mission.

3) Accom­mo­date all learn­ing types

Every­one is dif­fer­ent, and not every­one learns in the same way. Employ­ees may learn by see­ing, hear­ing, read­ing or writ­ing. Make sure to offer dif­fer­ent types of process mate­ri­als to them to help them feel wel­comed and includ­ed in the com­pa­ny workplace.

4) Don’t make onboard­ing too formal

The first three months are crit­i­cal for any new hire, mean­ing that onboard­ing is one of the most cru­cial process­es that HR over­sees. Some­times, the onboard­ing process can come across as robot­ic”, and with employ­ees work­ing remote­ly, they’ll want to feel as though they are talk­ing to some­one human. So why not add an infor­mal onboard­ing process into the mix? This could be any­thing from infor­mal chat to play­ing an online vir­tu­al game to break the ice.

5) Use per­for­mance man­age­ment for remote employees

Get­ting employ­ees set up with an online per­for­mance man­age­ment tool not only sup­ports their well­be­ing but also improves per­for­mance, as well as allow­ing employ­ees to self-reflect and give feed­back.

Clear Review is 80% about per­for­mance improve­ment and 20% about mea­sure­ment. It focus­es on fea­tures that will improve and devel­op employ­ees whilst still pro­vid­ing the most impor­tant mea­sure­ments that com­pa­nies need to make busi­ness deci­sions. Most oth­er per­for­mance man­age­ment soft­ware tools work the oth­er way around — they are 80% about mea­sure­ment, which doesn’t lead to improved employ­ee per­for­mance, and usu­al­ly results in poor user adoption.

By imple­ment­ing these steps, the new hire will under­stand what is expect­ed of them in their new role, as well as help them to envi­sion their future with­in the com­pa­ny. Organ­i­sa­tions that get employ­ees excit­ed and pre­pared in their new role will improve new hire reten­tion by 82% and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty by over 70%.

Clear Review’s con­tin­u­ous per­for­mance man­age­ment soft­ware tool mea­sures well­be­ing in sec­onds and offers advice on what improve­ments to make.

To see it in action for free, fill out our book a demo form, and a mem­ber of our expert team will be in touch.