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A Guide to Onboarding Best Practice

Onboard­ing is an impor­tant part of an employee’s work jour­ney. A bad onboard­ing could set the wrong tone mov­ing for­ward, and put strain on the rela­tion­ship a per­son has with their new organisation.

That’s why we’ve put togeth­er a best prac­tice onboard­ing guide, with the help of Paul Romer­il, who recent­ly joined Amthal Fire and Secu­ri­ty. We sat down with Paul to get some insight as to what set Amthal apart from oth­er organ­i­sa­tions he’d been a part of in the past, what made his onboard­ing expe­ri­ence such a pos­i­tive one, and the dif­fer­ence he noticed start­ing at a com­pa­ny who use Advanced Clear Review as part of the onboard­ing journey.

Get your copy of the guide!