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How has Amthal Fire and Security been using Clear Review to help their team?

With Jamie Allam, CEO of Amthal

Company info

Amthal are fire and safety experts who design, install, commission, maintain and monitor high quality intruder detection, fire protection, access control and CCTV surveillance systems. They started using Clear Review in 2019.

  • Industry


  • Headquarters

    St Albans, Hertfordshire, UK

  • Company Size

    50 employees

Like many organ­i­sa­tions Amthal have always been of the belief that their team mem­bers are the company’s most vital assets. How­ev­er, they did not feel like they were back­ing this up with action. Their per­for­mance man­age­ment was a tra­di­tion­al approach of one annu­al per­for­mance review a year. This con­sist­ed of team mem­bers fill­ing out a form before­hand, notes being tak­en dur­ing the meet­ing around goals and pro­gres­sion, but ulti­mate­ly this paper work would be put in a file and for­got­ten about until the next annu­al review. 

Amthal want­ed a change. One that would give their peo­ple the tools and sup­port they need­ed to per­form to their high­est poten­tial and devel­op in their roles. Enter Clear Review!

Since the Clear Review plat­form went live at Amthal they have noticed sig­nif­i­cant results for their team and organ­i­sa­tion. As a com­pa­ny with many of its peo­ple out on the road a major­i­ty of the day, the abil­i­ty to sched­ule and car­ry out check-ins from a phone or tablet has made com­mu­ni­ca­tion between team mem­bers and man­agers so much bet­ter. There is no messy prepa­ra­tion paper work involved, team mem­bers can sim­ply click a but­ton and arrange a check-in to dis­cuss any­thing they need, and then eas­i­ly record the out­come of the check-in on the platform. 

Peo­ple at Amthal now feel as though they are real­ly being lis­tened too, and have more con­trol over their pro­gres­sion with­in the organ­i­sa­tion. Peo­ple want to progress, and Clear Review allows them to plan out the steps that need to be tak­en to do just that, and as it’s all record­ed on the plat­form- they know their work is being recognised. 

Clear Review is also help­ing man­agers eas­i­ly iden­ti­fy when their team mem­bers are ready for pro­gres­sion, rather than wait­ing until an annu­al appraisal comes round. They would often find that before Clear Review, annu­al appraisals were seen as pri­mar­i­ly an oppor­tu­ni­ty for peo­ple to ask for a pay increase, rather than a dis­cus­sion about per­for­mance. Check-ins on the oth­er hand are not pay relat­ed, but oppor­tu­ni­ties to dis­cuss per­for­mance, goal set­ting and devel­op­ment. Sep­a­rate from that, Amthal man­agers cre­ate a Per­for­mance Snap­shot, which gives them a clear overview of their team member’s pro­gres­sion, and allows them to make deci­sions based around pro­gres­sion and pay. 

Per­for­mance Snap­shots allow a for­mal and con­sis­tent process, at time frames deemed as appro­pri­ate by the individual’s lead­ers. These snap­shots assess and iden­ti­fy team mem­bers that are ready and able to progress from their cur­rent posi­tions, through struc­tured and focus explorato­ry ques­tions and result­ing dis­cus­sions in line with our vison, mis­sion and val­ues. Impor­tant­ly the process also results in feed­back for the indi­vid­ual as to what they need to improve and focus on for pro­gres­sion in the future, should they be deemed not ready at this time.” Jamie Allam, CEO of Amthal

Key ben­e­fits:

  • Easy to use remote­ly using phones and tablets
  • Peo­ple more engaged and motivated
  • Makes end of year reviews sig­nif­i­cant­ly easier 
  • Increase of inter­nal communication
  • Allows feed­back between team mem­bers to be giv­en and received
The biggest ben­e­fit we have seen since intro­duc­ing Clear Review is a sig­nif­i­cant­ly increased lev­el of team engage­ment and moti­va­tion, due to the increased lev­el and fre­quen­cy of com­mu­ni­ca­tion between team mem­bers and their lead­ers. We hon­est­ly can’t imag­ine our busi­ness with­out Clear Review, and won­der how we per­formed as a busi­ness pri­or to its intro­duc­tion.” Jamie Allam, CEO of Amthal

Amthal has also found Clear Review to now be a key part of their on-board­ing process with new team mem­bers. They intro­duce their new peo­ple to the plat­form dur­ing the first induc­tion, show­ing them how the plat­form works and why they use it. Then they set their new team mem­bers a few sim­ple goals such as intro­duc­ing them­selves to oth­er mem­bers of the team, or com­plet­ing a piece of learn­ing for their role. This process both gets the per­son famil­iar with the Clear Review plat­form, and gets them up and run­ning eas­i­er at Amthal. 

After the ini­tial induc­tion, man­agers will then sched­ule reg­u­lar check-in ses­sions with their new starters through the plat­form. At first these will be week­ly check-ins to ensure they are cop­ing well and set­tling in. Once the man­ag­er is con­fi­dent the team mem­ber is in a good place to work more inde­pen­dent­ly these will be changed to month­ly check-ins. 

Part of our day one ini­tial induc­tion pro­gramme is to hold a check-in with all new starters. This gets the indi­vid­u­als famil­iar with the plat­form and how we use it, enforc­ing the company’s pol­i­cy as our tool for per­for­mance man­age­ment and feed­back. Dur­ing the ini­tial check in we set near term, easy win objec­tives and actions so the indi­vid­ual can quick­ly start to build momen­tum and get used to com­plet­ing and updat­ing the sys­tem them­selves.” Jamie Allam, CEO of Amthal

As well as all the stan­dard fea­tures and tools in Clear Review, Amthal team mem­bers have also been using the My Mind­space’ plat­form. This fea­ture allows man­agers and HR to mon­i­tor how a per­son is feel­ing in regards to moti­va­tion, engage­ment and ener­gy lev­els. This means they know which teams aren’t doing so well in these areas, and can look into how they can help bring these lev­els up. It can also be a good sign that an indi­vid­ual is strug­gling and needs a check-in soon to assess any block­ers they might be having. 

Amthal have been using Clear Review for quite some time now, and their team is ful­ly on board with using it reg­u­lar­ly. So now their focus is on get­ting the absolute best out of the plat­form. To do this they want to increase the qual­i­ty of their check-ins. Yes the quan­ti­ty of check-ins are there, but are team mem­bers and man­agers mak­ing the most of this time togeth­er? That’s why they are going to train their team on best prac­tice around how to get the most from check-in ses­sions. They can do this with the help from the Clear Review Acad­e­my, which already con­tains a range of cours­es on using the plat­form and is updat­ed with new help­ful tools reg­u­lar­ly. Amthal have already tak­en advan­tage of the Acad­e­my by hav­ing their team com­plete the Con­tin­u­ous Per­for­mance Man­age­ment 101 course, which is a step by step guide to what per­for­mance man­age­ment real­ly is and how it is chang­ing for the better. 

Amthal are a great exam­ple of how using a per­for­mance man­age­ment plat­form effi­cient­ly can change the way team mem­bers per­form, com­mu­ni­cate and devel­op for the better. 

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