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Find the right hybrid working balance for your organisation

Driving performance management in a changing working world

Now that covid restric­tions are lift­ing around the world, allow­ing offices to open ful­ly once again, you might be re-think­ing your work­ing model. 

Stud­ies show that less than 10% of staff want to return to office work­ing full time and many peo­ple are want­i­ng some form of hybrid mod­el at their workplace. 

On top of this, more peo­ple than ever are look­ing to move jobs, so now is not the time to drop the ball on employ­ee satisfaction. 

The ques­tion is, how do you find the right work to remote split for your organ­i­sa­tion? How do you keep employ­ees hap­py whilst ensur­ing per­for­mance stays high? 

We have a few point­ers to help. Watch the video to find out more!

Want to see how Clear Review can help you?

Learn more about how Clear Review can help support your organisation adjust to hybrid life.

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