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Introducing performance snapshots

Annual Performance Reviews are dead, long live the Performance Snapshot!

Per­for­mance appraisals have two major flaws. They take far too long to com­plete so employ­ees and man­agers dread them; and they suf­fer from recen­cy bias, because eval­u­a­tions and rat­ings tend to be based on what’s hap­pened over the last month or two, rather than a bal­anced view of the last year.

We here at Clear Review are pas­sion­ate about deliv­er­ing great per­for­mance man­age­ment that works for man­agers, staff and HR to sup­port a smooth and pro­duc­tive way of mon­i­tor­ing employ­ees progress, help­ing organ­i­sa­tions and staff to achieve goals togeth­er. Over the next few months, we will be shar­ing more con­tent in the form of blogs, videos and webi­na­rs, around how to get the most of per­for­mance man­age­ment and explor­ing the theme Annu­al Per­for­mance Reviews are dead, long live the Per­for­mance Snapshot”.

To stay up to date with all of our con­tent releas­es reg­is­ter here to receive updates or see for your­self and book a free demo of Clear Review now!

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Performance Management Report 2021 CTA