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Modern Slavery Statement 

Clear Review's Modern Slavery Statement


Clear Review Lim­it­ed are based in Lon­don, Unit­ed Kingdom. 

Clear Review is a SaaS per­for­mance tech­nol­o­gy built specif­i­cal­ly to help organ­i­sa­tions move from bro­ken annu­al appraisals to reg­u­lar, mean­ing­ful man­ag­er employ­ee con­ver­sa­tions. Using an intu­itive inter­face and the three foun­da­tions of per­for­mance improve­ment: reg­u­lar check-ins, feed­back, and SMART objec­tives — our dig­i­tal frame­work deliv­ers high user engage­ment, reports, and sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced admin­is­tra­tive pain. 

The Clear Review mis­sion is to enable indi­vid­u­als and teams to achieve what mat­ters most to the organ­i­sa­tion and themselves. 

Our Busi­ness and Sup­ply Chain 

Clear Review con­demns all forms of human traf­fick­ing, slav­ery, servi­tude, forced or com­pul­so­ry labour and any oth­er traf­fick­ing-relat­ed activities. 

Our busi­ness is com­mit­ted to com­ply­ing with applic­a­ble employ­ment and labour laws and ensur­ing we do not trans­act with non-com­pli­ant busi­ness­es with­in our sup­ply chain. 

Our sup­pli­ers main­ly con­sist of those who sup­port our dai­ly run­ning of our busi­ness, which fall under the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories: Facil­i­ty Man­age­ment (e.g. build­ing rent, build­ing main­te­nance), Busi­ness Ser­vices (e.g. trav­el, insur­ance, mar­ket­ing cam­paigns) and IT Ser­vices (e.g. IT equip­ment and services). 

Clear Review’s employ­ees are not con­sid­ered to be vul­ner­a­ble to slav­ery, forced labour or human traf­fick­ing, and Clear Review com­mits to fair and safe work­ing prac­tices and com­plies with all rel­e­vant employ­ment laws and regulations. 

Due Dili­gence, Poli­cies & Effectiveness 

To con­tin­ue to improve Clear Review’s com­mit­ment, we achieved the fol­low­ing in 2018

  • Devel­oped a due dili­gence process when onboard­ing any new suppliers. 
  • Reviewed our net­work of sup­pli­ers to iden­ti­fy any which might rep­re­sent a high risk. 
  • Com­mu­ni­cat­ed a process with­in Clear Review to ensure all our employ­ees are dili­gent when onboard­ing new suppliers. 

Dur­ing 2019 Clear Review will con­tin­ue to: 

  • Devel­op an employ­ee code of con­duct to accom­pa­ny our employ­ee hand­book to include a new anti-slav­ery and human traf­fick­ing policy. 
  • Review our anti-slav­ery sys­tems and controls. 
  • Review new suppliers. 

Clear Review did not receive any reports of instances of mod­ern slav­ery or human traf­fick­ing in the finan­cial year end­ing 31 Decem­ber 2018

Clear Review’s Board have over­all respon­si­bil­i­ty for ensur­ing that Clear Review Soft­ware Lim­it­ed, its sub­sidiaries and all peo­ple work­ing for Clear Review com­ply with our legal and eth­i­cal obligations. 

This state­ment has been pub­lished on behalf of Clear Review Limited.

This state­ment is made pur­suant to sec­tion 54(1) of the Mod­ern Slav­ery Act 2015 and has been approved by Clear Review Soft­ware Limited’s Board of Direc­tors on 20th June 2018

Stu­art Hearn, CEO, Clear Review