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Performance Management Report 2022

Are employees as productive as we think they are?

2021 was a year of change in so many ways. Some things that the pan­dem­ic has changed for the long term, may be irre­versible. We only need to look at offices around the world. Once teem­ing with peo­ple, many are now only a frac­tion full. 

So if the way peo­ple are work­ing has changed, what about the way peo­ple are managed? 

We’ve con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,150 peo­ple across the UK and USA con­sist­ing of HR Direc­tors, Man­agers and Employ­ees to find out what the key trends are for per­for­mance man­age­ment in 2022

76% of HR Direc­tors believe employ­ees are just as pro­duc­tive at home as they are in an office, but only 55% of employ­ees feel they are as productive!

Get your copy of the report!

Key Themes:

  • Has per­for­mance man­age­ment moved to the back burner?
  • Has strate­gic focus shift­ed to engage­ment and burn out issues?
  • Are employ­ees as pro­duc­tive as we think they are?
  • Are man­agers still strug­gling with the basics of per­for­mance management?
  • Do HRDs have rose tint­ed spectacles?
  • Pre­dic­tions for the upcom­ing year

Fore­word from Nick Gal­limore, Direc­tor of Tal­ent Trans­for­ma­tion & Insight

We have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to trans­form the peo­ple expe­ri­ence in a way many of us in HR would­n’t have thought pos­si­ble! Now we’ve tack­led one age — old ques­tion of where and when work should take place, it’s now time to tack­le the next: how do we make work a hap­py and healthy expe­ri­ence that adds val­ue to our peo­ple’s lives?”