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Performance Management Report 2023

The current state of performance management and the emerging trends for 2023

We know the way peo­ple are work­ing has changed. So now we want to under­stand how peo­ple are man­aged in response to new work­ing cultures. 

We’ve sur­veyed over 1,350 HR Direc­tors, man­agers and employ­ees across a range of sec­tors in the UK and USA, to pro­vide us with mul­ti­ple view­points on per­for­mance management. 

42% of the work­force are more stressed than they were a year ago
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Key Themes:

  • 2023 — The year of the per­fect’ (or not-so-per­fect) storm
  • Now is time to put into prac­tice what we’ve been preaching
  • The delu­sion of man­agers means they’re miss­ing the mark
  • Employ­ees are wor­ried about job security
  • The future of the work­force needs more support

Fore­word from Nick Gal­limore, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Advanced Peo­ple Management

As we tack­le the chal­lenges pre­sent­ed at the start of 2023, we do so with a work­force that is increas­ing­ly burnt out, and with man­agers who are increas­ing­ly strug­gling to help — and worse still, who think that they’re doing a bet­ter job than they actu­al­ly are!

In a world where the rules of engage­ment have changed and devel­op­ing and nur­tur­ing your peo­ple holds the key to suc­cess, build­ing and find­ing a per­for­mance cul­ture seems for many as elu­sive as it’s ever been. And it’s nev­er been so important.
Performance Management Pioneers

Unpacking the Performance Management Report 2023
Online Event | 9 March | 14:00 GMT

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