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Clear Review named in list of EU startups to watch 2019

Dan smiling 1600

Thanks to the nice peo­ple at eu​-star​tups​.com, who placed us top of their list of EU star­tups to watch for 2019 and beyond”.

Thanks, too, to the peo­ple over at Entre­pre­neur Mid­dle East, who gave our founder Stu­art Hearn the space to talk about a sub­ject very close to his heart: per­for­mance in the con­text of the growth mindset. 

The Char­tered Man­age­ment Insti­tute is the lat­est pub­li­ca­tion to share some of Stu­ar­t’s wis­dom. Our CEO fea­tures promi­nent­ly in a piece enti­tled Per­for­mance Man­age­ment: Is the issue with them or you?”. 

This week, how­ev­er, we’re most excit­ed by our own Per­for­mance Man­age­ment Report 2019, which launched just before the week­end and is packed with research and ideas to encap­su­late how the UK does PM… and where we need to go to do it more effec­tive­ly. OnRec has run a nice piece encap­su­lat­ing some of the big chal­lenges from the report. 

If you haven’t yet, down­load your copy.