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Clear Review shortlisted for prestigious IT award

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The final­ists for the 2019 UK IT Indus­try Awards have been announced, and Clear Review have made it to the final round in the Inno­va­tion and Entre­pre­neur­ship category. 

Past win­ners at one of the UK’s most pres­ti­gious and long-run­ning tech awards include the British Library and Shell, so nat­u­ral­ly we’re delight­ed to be in such august company. 

It’s been a remark­able 12 months for Clear Review. We’ve more than dou­bled our head­count. We secured our sec­ond round of fund­ing. We’ve been nom­i­nat­ed for a CIPD Peo­ple Man­age­ment award. 

On top of all that, we have the cream of the UK’s IT com­mu­ni­ty recog­nis­ing the val­ue and ben­e­fit of our efforts to make peo­ple’s work­ing lives bet­ter.

If things car­ry on like this, 2020 might be a lit­tle too excit­ing.