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Clear Review: Simple but not simplistic

Stuart 1600

Clear Review’s recent fund­ing announce­ment has brought us plen­ty of cov­er­age, and we were delight­ed to chat to tech invest­ment guru Antho­ny Miller about what we do, where our new fund­ing will take us and how our offer­ing will evolve. 

Antho­ny wrote: “…per­haps one of the most excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for Clear Review is min­ing the data col­lect­ed by the plat­form. Hearn is hir­ing a data sci­en­tist with the aim of iden­ti­fy­ing and analysing links between employee/​management and employ­ee reten­tion. To be able to put num­bers on this will sure­ly make Clear Review’s busi­ness case even more compelling.” 

You can read the full arti­cle (sub­scrip­tion required) here.