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HRD Connect Tech Founders Q&A with Stuart Hearn

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Our founder and CEO, Stu­art Hearn, is a busy chap. He has to run the com­pa­ny. He par­ents his chil­dren. And, sev­er­al times a week, we pack him off to a dark­ened room to evan­ge­lise the bril­liant thing that we make: Clear Review. 

This time, he sat with the love­ly peo­ple at HRD Con­nect for their reg­u­lar Tech Founders fea­ture. Here’s a sam­ple of the conversation:

If you want to improve people’s per­for­mance, you need mean­ing­ful and mea­sur­able goals aligned to broad­er busi­ness objec­tives. You dis­cuss pro­gres­sion toward them with reg­u­lar, future-focussed per­for­mance dis­cus­sions between man­ag­er and employ­ee. And you offer reg­u­lar, in-the-moment feed­back, both pos­i­tive and con­struc­tive, to main­tain clar­i­ty and fine-tune per­for­mance. Peo­ple devel­op stronger rela­tion­ships. They under­stand how they con­tribute to busi­ness goals. They com­mu­ni­cate with more can­dour and learn to give and receive feed­back in a more con­struc­tive way.“

You can read the full inter­view on HRD Con­nect, right here.