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Reflections on the Great Resignation: Where do we go next?

In the webi­nar, Nick Gal­limore, Direc­tor of Tal­ent Trans­for­ma­tion & Insight at Clear Review is joined by Fran­cis Lake, Head of Organ­i­sa­tion­al Devel­op­ment at Vir­gin Mon­ey and Aman­da Grant, Chief Prod­uct Offi­cer at Advanced, as they delve into how the last year and a half has real­ly effect­ed organ­i­sa­tions, the chal­lenges they have faced, and what they have learnt from all of this.

This ses­sion is an open and hon­est con­ver­sa­tion around:

  • How Covid-19 has impact­ed dif­fer­ent types of organisations
  • How we move for­ward to find long term solu­tions to ongo­ing problems
  • The effect the Great Res­ig­na­tion is hav­ing on organisations
  • How to keep staff engaged in an unsta­ble work­ing world
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