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The Great Resignation and you

Power to the People! How to retain your employees in the era of the Great Resignation

The Great Res­ig­na­tion is upon us, and it’s unlike­ly that any organ­i­sa­tion will come out the oth­er end com­plete­ly unscathed. 

Peo­ple are now begin­ning to gain con­fi­dence in pre­vi­ous­ly unsta­ble job mar­ket, and as a result employ­ers are receiv­ing more res­ig­na­tion notices than ever! 

Our recent research indi­cat­ed that as many as 50% of peo­ple are cur­rent­ly con­sid­er­ing look­ing for a new job, with job vacan­cies reach­ing a 20-year high! 

So how do you tack­le the Great Res­ig­na­tion? Learn more in our lat­est video!

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