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Wellbeing resources for HR and People Managers

Templates: Wellbeing Wednesday session, Check-ins Prompts, Self-reflection tools and Manager guides.

Well­be­ing. The word that is on every­one’s lips right now.

Whether your organ­i­sa­tion has just start­ed their jour­ney into sup­port­ing well­be­ing active­ly or you con­sid­er your­selves pro’s there are resources here to suit all.

This well­be­ing pack includes:

  1. Man­ag­er guide to why well­be­ing should be on their agenda
  2. Self-reflec­tion tool employ­ees can use to be more con­scious of their wellbeing
  3. Man­ag­er to Employ­ee Well­be­ing Check-in Prompts
  4. Well­be­ing Ses­sion Pow­er­point Tem­plate — you or your man­agers can use to lead well­be­ing sessions.
Download the wellbeing pack

About the author

Natasha Wal­lace

Founder and chief coach of Con­scious Works. As a for­mer HR Direc­tor, Natasha left her job hav­ing reached burn out. It led her to recog­nise that we are strug­gling to take care of our well­be­ing and per­for­mance in the work­place. She now works with her team to inspire a well world of work’, coach­ing lead­ers and work­ing with organ­i­sa­tions to build well­be­ing cultures.