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Performance Management Software Offering Comprehensive Multilingual Support

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At Clear Review, we believe we’re devel­op­ing the most intu­itive per­for­mance man­age­ment tech on the mar­ket: tech­nol­o­gy that lets peo­ple take respon­si­bil­i­ty for their own devel­op­ment with­out days of oner­ous training. 

We also pride our­selves on how con­fig­urable our soft­ware is. Every term our cus­tomers use — Goals, Feed­back, Check-ins and more — can be updat­ed with­out any sup­port from our tech team. HR admins have total con­trol over how their ver­sion of Clear Review sounds and feels. 

Now, fol­low­ing requests from our inter­na­tion­al cus­tomers, we’ve rolled out a unique on-demand mul­ti­lin­gual ser­vice. As of right now, we sup­port any lan­guage cur­rent­ly spo­ken, from French, Span­ish, Ger­man and Man­darin to Taga­log and Sin­halese. We can also cater for Elvish and Klin­gon (in the­o­ry… there may not be a direct Elvish trans­la­tion for future-focused con­ver­sa­tion”). Yes, you did read that cor­rect­ly. Star Trek fan clubs and Tolkien enthu­si­asts, expect a call from our sales teams any day now. We can roll out a new lan­guage in around a week, and some­times much less, mak­ing it incred­i­bly easy for cus­tomers to include inter­na­tion­al sites and offices in their Clear Review service. 

Good per­for­mance man­age­ment shouldn’t just be for Eng­lish, French and Span­ish speak­ers. As we work with more and more organ­i­sa­tions whose teams cross inter­na­tion­al bound­aries, we’re being chal­lenged to make sure that their peo­ple can use Clear Review in the lan­guage that they’re most com­fort­able with. We’re pleased to say that we’ve found the answer. 

You can see a demo of Clear Review in action (in English). 

To speak to sales, send us an email or call us direct­ly on +44 (0)20 3637 4489.