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How Snapshots enable a performance review that isn't an appraisal

Annual Performance Reviews are dead, long live the Performance Snapshot!

We often get posed a par­tic­u­lar conun­drum by prospects and clients: 

On one hand, we love the con­cept of a con­tin­u­ous PM and we 100% agree that per­for­mance should be an ongo­ing, agile and flu­id process between an employ­ee and their man­ag­er.

We also agree that PM is not all be about rat­ings and rank­ings. But, on the oth­er hand, we do still need to iden­ti­fy and dif­fer­en­ti­ate between our top and bot­tom per­form­ers. Put sim­ply — how can we review per­for­mance with­out going through the dread­ed per­for­mance appraisal?

You can watch the first video Intro­duc­ing Per­for­mance Snap­shots” in our Annu­al Per­for­mance Reviews are dead, long live the Per­for­mance Snap­shot!” theme here. To stay up to date with all of our con­tent releas­es reg­is­ter here to receive updates or see for your­self and book a free demo of Clear Review now!

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Performance Management Report 2021 CTA