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How to do succession planning using performance snapshots

Annual Performance Reviews are dead, long live the Performance Snapshot!

Every wise organ­i­sa­tion wants to be aware of its crit­i­cal roles that dri­ve busi­ness suc­cess. These might include senior roles which are high­ly influ­en­tial, cer­tain key sales roles, or roles which rely on strong inter­nal net­works that take time for the job­hold­er to build. Increas­ing­ly, crit­i­cal roles include those that are niche and hard to fill, such as cer­tain spe­cial­ist or emerg­ing roles in the tech­nol­o­gy space.

The trou­ble is, suc­ces­sion plan­ning is usu­al­ly an extreme­ly time-con­sum­ing and bureau­crat­ic exer­cise which involves every man­ag­er and immense HR effort. The out­put often lacks real depth of infor­ma­tion about the few tru­ly crit­i­cal roles the organ­i­sa­tion should be wor­ried about.

We believe there is a bet­ter way to solve this. It’s all about hon­ing down the scope of the num­ber of roles to the rel­a­tive­ly few that real­ly need a suc­ces­sion plan. Here are our rec­om­men­da­tions to achieve this.

You can watch the first video Intro­duc­ing Per­for­mance Snap­shots” in our Annu­al Per­for­mance Reviews are dead, long live the Per­for­mance Snap­shot!” theme here. To stay up to date with all of our con­tent releas­es reg­is­ter here to receive updates or see for your­self and book a free demo of Clear Review now!

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