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New year, new starters, new onboarding process!

New year new starters blog

Are your new starters get­ting the best pos­si­ble expe­ri­ence from your onboard­ing process? If not, maybe this year it’s time for a refresh!

A great way to ensure all new starters are set­tling into their new role well, and aren’t stressed or bored, is for line man­agers to have check-ins with them at least once a week for the first month or two. 

With­in these check-in ses­sions man­agers can set agile goals, check pro­gres­sion against goals, answer any ques­tions and ensure there are no block­ers pre­vent­ing the new starter from doing their job. 

You may think that man­agers hav­ing meet­ings with staff this fre­quent­ly is unnec­es­sary, that man­agers are avail­able for employ­ees to talk to, either in the office or over a video call. 

But the real­i­ty is that many new starters may not wish to dis­turb their new man­ag­er with ques­tions. Man­agers may be busy and employ­ees might not get a chance to bring up every­thing they need to address. 

By hav­ing a ded­i­cat­ed block of time set aside, man­agers can ensure they are giv­ing their undi­vid­ed atten­tion to their new team mem­ber, and that they address any and all ques­tions and block­ers they may be facing. 

This not only gives the new starter a bet­ter, less stress­ful onboard­ing expe­ri­ence, it also helps to build a strong and pos­i­tive rela­tion­ship between the man­ag­er and employ­ee, which is essen­tial for a great team dynamic. 

These check-ins also boost the new starter’s pro­duc­tiv­i­ty right from the get go, get­ting them more engaged in their role by hav­ing short term achiev­able goals to com­plete, and remov­ing any block­ers that could cause them to loose motivation. 

Once the man­ag­er is hap­py that their team mem­ber is ful­ly set­tled in their role they can take a step back, and start hav­ing check-in meet­ings once a month as they would with any oth­er employee. 

So how do you ensure all man­agers are hav­ing check-ins with new starters? By imple­ment­ing a great per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem! With a per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem like Clear Review, man­agers can set and record these check-in ses­sions, and HR can ensure these ses­sions are tak­ing place by look­ing on the system. 

By record­ing the out­comes of these ses­sions organ­i­sa­tions can track pro­gres­sion, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and engage­ment lev­els the longer the employ­ee is there. If these lev­els start to drop, man­agers will be aware of the issue straight away, and can work with the employ­ee to fig­ure out what the issue is and how to solve it.

To find out more about Clear Review and how it can help in you onboard­ing process and more, speak to a mem­ber of our team today: +44 (0)20 3637 4489 or book a demo!

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