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HR Readiness Quiz: The Post-Covid 'Return to Work' and the New Normal

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All busi­ness have been affect­ed by Covid-19. Many senior lead­ers aren’t sure what changes they need to make when think­ing about the short, medi­um and longer-term.

Quiz and Resources:

This quiz cov­ers places, peo­ple and process­es as well as look­ing at what you should be doing in the short, medi­um and long-term. With that, you will have an array of resources to help you get to the Ready’ stage — 80% or more on the score. 

We have cre­at­ed a Busi­ness Readi­ness’ action track­er, Man­ag­er to employ­ee Return to Work’ con­ver­sa­tion prompts, Employ­ee Sur­vey and includ­ed an eBook on Nav­i­gat­ing the New Nor­mal’ to help you along.

All your answers will be kept anonymised, and we will only share your score with you. 

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What should you be think­ing about when it comes to the short-term?

  • Health and Safety
  • Com­mu­ni­cat­ing with your peo­ple effec­tive­ly about changes
  • Prepar­ing your man­agers for dif­fi­cult conversations

What should you be think­ing about when it comes to the medi­um and long term?

  • Re-align­ing and poten­tial­ly chang­ing how you set objectives
  • Ongo­ing per­for­mance man­age­ment and engage­ment between man­agers and employees
  • Anoth­er lock-down and whether you know how to han­dle it
  • Per­ma­nent changes to how you work

We have part­nered with Deb­bie Mitchell of Mitchell Palmer, a friend of Clear Review and a HR con­sul­tant who has been help­ing peo­ple nav­i­gate through the new nor­mal. If you have tak­en the quiz, check your inbox for your resources and if not take the quiz to get them.

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