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Clear Review in the news, July 10 2019

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Our big news this week was the con­fir­ma­tion of our sec­ond round of fund­ing. We were delight­ed and it seems as though the busi­ness press was too. UK Tech News, Tech Mar­ket View, Fins­mes and Lon­don Loves Busi­ness all cov­ered news of our £2.6 mil­lion invest­ment from Albion­VC and Mer­cia Technologies. 

If you haven’t already seen it, we have an arti­cle in HR Grapevine’s lat­est Guide to HR Tech­nol­o­gy. Enti­tled The best tech­nol­o­gy is human at heart”, it’s a deep dive by our CEO, Stu­art Hearn, into the impor­tance of tech — both con­sumer and busi­ness-relat­ed — that slots effort­less­ly into your exist­ing routines. 

We were delight­ed to fea­ture in the Glob­al Legal Post along­side our cus­tomer, the law firm Kennedys, as they shared the news of their tran­si­tion to con­tin­u­ous per­for­mance management. 

We were live with HR Grapevine for our lat­est webi­nar on July 2nd, wel­com­ing the exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Pub­lic Sec­tor Peo­ple Man­ager’s Asso­ci­a­tion, Leath­em Green, and con­sul­tant Izzie Hur­rell of Basis, to talk to us about their expe­ri­ences trans­form­ing per­for­mance man­age­ment for pub­lic sec­tor organ­i­sa­tions. The record­ing is avail­able here.

Final­ly, we’ve been named as one of Lon­don’s 50 most excit­ing tech com­pa­nies by Busi­ness Cloud UK. If you think we’re even more excit­ing than that, vote for us.