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Promotion decisions and career planning using a performance snapshot

Annual Performance Reviews are dead, long live the Performance Snapshot!

Employ­ees want to know they are devel­op­ing and pro­gress­ing in their career, whether their aim is to secure a pro­mo­tion, or sim­ply to broad­en and deep­en their skill set and experience. 

Organ­i­sa­tions want their employ­ees to have a growth mind­set and atti­tude, and they want to know who is ready for pro­mo­tion.

But what we often see is an absence of up to date, cred­i­ble infor­ma­tion about employ­ees’ pro­mota­bil­i­ty and career pref­er­ences, lead­ing to a sit­u­a­tion where man­agers are expect­ed to guess’ infor­ma­tion about their direct reports, which is unhelp­ful and can lead to inac­cu­rate assump­tions being made.

You can watch the first video Intro­duc­ing Per­for­mance Snap­shots” in our Annu­al Per­for­mance Reviews are dead, long live the Per­for­mance Snap­shot!” theme here. To stay up to date with all of our con­tent releas­es reg­is­ter here to receive updates or see for your­self and book a free demo of Clear Review now!

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Performance Management Report 2021 CTA