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Wellbeing Resource Pack for HR and Managers


Well­be­ing is a pri­or­i­ty for many orga­ni­za­tions right now and it looks like it will be stay­ing. We have com­piled a selec­tion of well­be­ing resources, whether you are a pro or just begin­ning your jour­ney. All road-test­ed by Clear Review itself.

Download the wellbeing resource pack

Get access to the HR and People manager templates, tools and resources.


This well­be­ing pack includes:

  1. Man­ag­er guide to why well­be­ing should be on their agenda
  2. Self-reflec­tion tool employ­ees can use to be more con­scious of their wellbeing 
  3. Man­ag­er to Employ­ee Well­be­ing Check-in Prompts
  4. Well­be­ing Ses­sion Pow­er­point Tem­plate — you or your man­agers can use to lead well­be­ing sessions.

More well­be­ing articles:

How to get your managers onboard with employee wellbeing
They key to employee wellbeing is getting managers on board. If organizations really want to prioritize employee wellbeing, they need to understand the types of managers in their organization and how they can support them to have wellbeing conversations.
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Tips on looking after your wellbeing whilst working from home
Looking after your wellbeing whilst working from home is super important, especially when people often feel all kinds of anxieties and have a lack of social interaction. In our recent webinar, our expert panel explain what you can do to look after your wellbeing.
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