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Say Goodbye to Admin Heavy 360 Feedback, and Hello to Feedback Circles

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Many of us have now recog­nised that the 360 feed­back method is a flawed one. Ask­ing all employ­ees to give feed­back at once as part of the end of year review process caus­es frus­tra­tion and takes up hours and hours of valu­able time from HR and employ­ees alike. By its nature 360 feed­back is a way of com­ment­ing on someone’s past work, often anony­mous­ly, rather than a way of giv­ing them guid­ance on how they can devel­op and improve their per­for­mance. The 360 method takes a lot of time and doesn’t yield very help­ful results. 

But nev­er fear, because a new and more effi­cient way of doing feed­back is here, let us intro­duce you to Feed­back Cir­cles from Clear Review!

Feed­back Cir­cles is the future think­ing solu­tion that helps your employ­ees take con­trol of their own devel­op­ment. So why should you switch from the tra­di­tion­al 360 feed­back method over to Feed­back Cir­cles? Here are a few reasons:

Employ­ee focussed

Feed­back Cir­cles allows employ­ees to ini­ti­ate their own feed­back at a time that feels right for them, and not just as part of the review process, putting the pow­er back in their hands. Using the infor­ma­tion gath­ered using Feed­back Cir­cles, the employ­ee can then set goals and work on self-development. 

Easy to use

Using Feed­back Cir­cles couldn’t be eas­i­er! With just a few intu­itive steps, employ­ees can send out feed­back tem­plates, col­lect respons­es and eas­i­ly gen­er­ate a report. Feed­back Cir­cles means no more wait­ing for HR to ini­ti­ate the feed­back requests and no lengthy admin process­es or mul­ti­ple chains of communication. 


This means the whole feed­back process is faster than ever before, with feed­back being received in real time when it’s need­ed. With Feed­back Cir­cles there is no wait­ing around for weeks for feed­back to be col­lect­ed and reports to be completed. 


By remov­ing the anonymi­ty that usu­al­ly comes with 360 feed­back, you can elim­i­nate any neg­a­tive ten­sion that might come from over­ly crit­i­cal feed­back, which can arise when a per­son isn’t held account­able for the feed­back they’ve giv­en. Know­ing where feed­back has come from also gives employ­ees the oppor­tu­ni­ty to ask for more infor­ma­tion if wanted. 

How is this all achieved? Using the new Feed­back Cir­cles fea­ture with­in Clear Review, HR pro­fes­sion­als can cre­ate feed­back tem­plates tai­lored to the needs of their organ­i­sa­tion. These tem­plates can then be used by all employ­ees to request feed­back, at any time, in a flash! Once feed­back is giv­en, a report is gen­er­at­ed instantly. 

Get in touch to find out more about how you can empow­er your employ­ees to quick­ly, eas­i­ly and reli­ably get the feed­back they need to grow and develop.