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What are the benefits of Clear Review to the employee?

Benefits to employee blog

The ben­e­fits of a strong per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem to an organ­i­sa­tion are pret­ty clear. By using the cor­rect tools to track and boost per­for­mance, organ­i­sa­tions have a more pro­duc­tive and engaged work force, result­ing in work get­ting done more effi­cient­ly and to a high­er standard. 

But what about the ben­e­fits to employ­ees? Why should they take time out of their day to engage with a per­for­mance man­age­ment tool? 

This is some­thing employ­ees who have been using Clear Review a while should know, but new starters at an organ­i­sa­tion that uses Clear Review, or employ­ees of an organ­i­sa­tion who has recent­ly imple­ment­ed the soft­ware, may want this answered. So here is our list of the top ben­e­fits for employ­ees who use Clear Review. 

1. Con­tin­u­ous support

With the Clear Review plat­form all employ­ees can sched­ule check-in con­ver­sa­tions with their man­agers, we rec­om­mend these tak­ing place once a month. This means employ­ees have a ded­i­cat­ed reg­u­lar time slot to address any block­ers or con­cerns they have with their man­agers, and work out a solu­tion together.

2. Short term goals

With Clear Review, gone are the days of set­ting year­long objec­tives, that are often for­got­ten about, or become irrel­e­vant, or employ­ees sim­ply loose moti­va­tion with. Set­ting short term agile goals means employ­ees always know exact­ly what is expect­ed of them, they don’t loose moti­va­tion, and they know their goals are still rel­e­vant and aligned to the organ­i­sa­tions objectives.

3. No more annu­al appraisals

Very few peo­ple enjoy annu­al appraisals. They are stress­ful and very often boil down to a tick box exer­cise rather than some­thing use­ful for the employ­ee or their man­ag­er, so why still have them? By prac­tis­ing con­tin­u­ous per­for­mance man­age­ment you elim­i­nate the need for annu­al appraisals entire­ly. The infor­ma­tion man­agers need to com­plete an end of year review will have been gath­ered through­out the year and will now be read­i­ly avail­able to them through the Clear Review platform.

4. Unbi­ased per­for­mance reviews

Often end of year reviews can fall prey to bias, some­times this can be unin­ten­tion­al favouritism from man­agers, or it could be recen­cy bias, where a man­ag­er only remem­bers the work from the last few weeks, rather than think about the year as a whole. But not with Clear Review. As long as check-in con­ver­sa­tions and goal progress is record­ed, the plat­form will show a full and fair view of an employee’s per­for­mance over the year.

5. Career development

As well as role rel­e­vant goals, employ­ees can also use the Clear Review plat­form to set per­son­al devel­op­ment goals too. This gives every­one the oppor­tu­ni­ty to voice their career goals and, work­ing with their man­ag­er, set out steps on how to achieve this.

6. Real time feedback

Get­ting feed­back from a man­ag­er is great, but often an employ­ee will work with a mul­ti­tude of dif­fer­ent peo­ple in their day to day role who can offer them help­ful and encour­ag­ing feed­back. Through the Clear Review plat­form all employ­ees can give and receive feed­back in real time, this could be a shout out for a job well done, or a help­ful tip that could help them devel­op their skills. This feed­back is then stored on the plat­form so man­agers can get an even bet­ter view of what their employ­ee has been work­ing on.

Clear Review was designed not just for the suc­cess of organ­i­sa­tions, but to ensure the sup­port and devel­op­ment of every employ­ees using it. When used to its full poten­tial Clear Review offers a range of tools to increase the well­be­ing and sat­is­fac­tion of employees.

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