The benefits of a strong performance management system to an organisation are pretty clear. By using the correct tools to track and boost performance, organisations have a more productive and engaged work force, resulting in work getting done more efficiently and to a higher standard.
But what about the benefits to employees? Why should they take time out of their day to engage with a performance management tool?
This is something employees who have been using Clear Review a while should know, but new starters at an organisation that uses Clear Review, or employees of an organisation who has recently implemented the software, may want this answered. So here is our list of the top benefits for employees who use Clear Review.
1. Continuous support
With the Clear Review platform all employees can schedule check-in conversations with their managers, we recommend these taking place once a month. This means employees have a dedicated regular time slot to address any blockers or concerns they have with their managers, and work out a solution together.
2. Short term goals
With Clear Review, gone are the days of setting yearlong objectives, that are often forgotten about, or become irrelevant, or employees simply loose motivation with. Setting short term agile goals means employees always know exactly what is expected of them, they don’t loose motivation, and they know their goals are still relevant and aligned to the organisations objectives.
3. No more annual appraisals
Very few people enjoy annual appraisals. They are stressful and very often boil down to a tick box exercise rather than something useful for the employee or their manager, so why still have them? By practising continuous performance management you eliminate the need for annual appraisals entirely. The information managers need to complete an end of year review will have been gathered throughout the year and will now be readily available to them through the Clear Review platform.
4. Unbiased performance reviews
Often end of year reviews can fall prey to bias, sometimes this can be unintentional favouritism from managers, or it could be recency bias, where a manager only remembers the work from the last few weeks, rather than think about the year as a whole. But not with Clear Review. As long as check-in conversations and goal progress is recorded, the platform will show a full and fair view of an employee’s performance over the year.
5. Career development
As well as role relevant goals, employees can also use the Clear Review platform to set personal development goals too. This gives everyone the opportunity to voice their career goals and, working with their manager, set out steps on how to achieve this.
6. Real time feedback
Getting feedback from a manager is great, but often an employee will work with a multitude of different people in their day to day role who can offer them helpful and encouraging feedback. Through the Clear Review platform all employees can give and receive feedback in real time, this could be a shout out for a job well done, or a helpful tip that could help them develop their skills. This feedback is then stored on the platform so managers can get an even better view of what their employee has been working on.
Clear Review was designed not just for the success of organisations, but to ensure the support and development of every employees using it. When used to its full potential Clear Review offers a range of tools to increase the wellbeing and satisfaction of employees.
Want to learn more?
Book a demo to learn how Clear Review can help improve productivity and engagement in your organisation.