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Winning awards in a fast-growing industry

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When it comes to the inter­nal oper­a­tions and work­ings of their organ­i­sa­tion, there’s two things that will be keep­ing senior lead­ers up at night – tal­ent and tech­nol­o­gy. The avail­abil­i­ty of key skills and the speed of tech­no­log­i­cal change were both in the top ten of threats CEOs faced, accord­ing to PWC’s Glob­al CEO Sur­vey 2020. The sur­veyed lead­ers recog­nised that attract­ing and retain­ing tal­ent was get­ting hard­er, while keep­ing up with tech­nol­o­gy was not only a chal­lenge in itself but impact­ing how organ­i­sa­tions could keep hold of val­ued employees. 

It’s lit­tle won­der then that HRTech is a major focus right now. Worth around $148 bil­lion, the mar­ket has seen sub­stan­tial growth as busi­ness­es seek to digi­tise their tal­ent acqui­si­tion and reten­tion process­es, in doing so inte­grat­ing a data-led approach to how they build the teams they need to oper­ate in an increas­ing­ly dis­rupt­ed world. 

We know this is hap­pen­ing because we’re see­ing major inter­est in our own part of HRTech – per­for­mance man­age­ment. As an area of HR, it’s long be a focus for many busi­ness­es, with­out there being a con­sen­sus on the best way to man­age indi­vid­ual per­for­mances. The events of recent months, with a major­i­ty of work­forces sud­den­ly going remote, has brought new chal­lenges to being able to effec­tive­ly assess, sup­port and guide how indi­vid­u­als are work­ing. This is crit­i­cal for every employ­ee, whether a high per­former, deliv­er­ing to expec­ta­tions or need­ing sup­port and development. 

Enter­pris­es recog­nise this, and we’re see­ing that in the con­ver­sa­tions we’re hav­ing with them and how they’re becom­ing our cus­tomers and users of our solu­tion. As a start-up, it is both excit­ing to work with busi­ness­es of all sizes, and a con­stant test of our abil­i­ties. We know that as a rel­a­tive­ly small oper­a­tion next to our com­peti­tors, we have an added pres­sure to make sure our size and abil­i­ty to scale does not in any way hin­der of our abil­i­ty to deliver. 

We’re clear­ly doing some­thing right as we recent­ly won two awards at the TIARA Tal­ent Tech Star Awards. The awards recog­nise busi­ness­es in the glob­al tal­ent acqui­si­tion indus­try, and in par­tic­u­lar look at on excel­lence in deliv­ery, inno­va­tion with impact, sus­tain­able val­ue and growth. To be nom­i­nat­ed is an hon­our, so to win in two cat­e­gories is phenomenal. 

Our first award was the Tal­ent Tech Cus­tomer Ser­vice Award, which we won for what the judges described as being peo­ple focused and pur­pose dri­ven, with impres­sive NPS scores and cus­tomer reten­tion demon­strat­ing sus­tain­able val­ue. We are thrilled to win, as for us it demon­strates how much empha­sis we put on deliv­er­ing a top-qual­i­ty ser­vice to our customers. 

We were also astound­ed to find out that we had also been named the Tal­ent Tech Cham­pi­on of Cham­pi­ons, cho­sen out of all the oth­er win­ners by the judg­ing pan­el. With so many fan­tas­tic cat­e­go­ry win­ners, this award was tru­ly special. 

To win these awards is tes­ta­ment to the hard work of our entire team, and the sup­port of our cus­tomers. We’d also like to con­grat­u­late our fel­low TIARA Tal­ent Tech Star Awards win­ners – look­ing at the cal­i­bre of both the win­ners and those that were high­ly com­mend­ed just under­lines the breadth of inno­va­tion cur­rent­ly tak­ing place in HRTech. 

Want to learn more about Clear Review’s per­for­mance man­age­ment technology?

If you want to find out how we’ve helped thou­sands of our cus­tomers trans­form their approach to per­for­mance man­age­ment, book a demo with us where we can take you through a guid­ed tour of our con­tin­u­ous per­for­mance man­age­ment technology. 

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