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Performance Clinic: A better way of working remotely

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Well, things have cer­tain­ly changed since our last Per­for­mance Clin­ic. As large parts of the world hun­ker down to pro­tect them­selves from the pan­dem­ic, we’re adapt­ing to new ways of work­ing and interacting. 

So we thought care­ful­ly about what we could share to help with the new world of work. And we’ve devel­oped a brand new check-in tem­plate designed specif­i­cal­ly for teams work­ing remotely. 

At Clear Review, we’ve found that clear goals and reg­u­lar check-ins have been a huge help in keep­ing us focused and pro­duc­tive. Goals — clear­ly writ­ten and aligned to our orga­ni­za­tion­al objec­tives — are keep­ing us on track and help­ing us pri­ori­tise. And remote check-ins are a reg­u­lar chance to dis­cuss progress against goals, and to make sure that we all have every­thing we need to bring our best selves to work… wher­ev­er we’re working. 

Our new check-in tem­plate takes a clear, lev­el-head­ed look at the chal­lenges and top­ics for dis­cus­sion cre­at­ed by this new way of work­ing. As well as help­ing man­age remote work­ers and employ­ees cope with new and chang­ing objec­tives, it gives every­one an oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk about their con­cerns, uncer­tain­ties, and even the oppor­tu­ni­ties they might be able to take advan­tage of. It touch­es on health and well­ness, pri­or­i­ties and work­load and rela­tion­ships and com­mu­ni­ca­tion with col­leagues and team mem­bers. As always, we’ve aimed to keep things future-focused, prac­ti­cal and measurable.

This is a dif­fi­cult time for every­one. The last Edel­man Trust Barom­e­ter revealed that gov­ern­ments are as mis­trust­ed right now as they’ve ever been in liv­ing mem­o­ry. It iden­ti­fied two key fac­tors which peo­ple use to gauge their trust of insti­tu­tions: com­pe­tence and eth­i­cal behav­iour. The way we respond to this cri­sis needs to show both. Clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion, clear guid­ance on what’s expect­ed of peo­ple and clear goal-set­ting and pri­ori­ti­sa­tion will all reas­sure your peo­ple that you take their wel­fare and liveli­hoods seriously. 

We hope you all stay well, and take good care of your col­leagues and families. 

Down­load your Remote Work 121 Template:

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