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UK Performance Management Report 2019: The thinking behind our research

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Update: See our Per­for­mance Man­age­ment Report 2021 here.

Our new research — a sur­vey of HR lead­ers, man­agers and employ­ees which explores atti­tudes to and adop­tion of per­for­mance man­age­ment across the UK — is here. It’s the first com­pre­hen­sive research piece cap­tur­ing the views of HR lead­ers, man­agers and employ­ees on per­for­mance man­age­ment: how they use it and the pur­pose it serves. 

As a team, we’ve been dis­cussing the idea of this report for a long time. We meet inspir­ing HR lead­ers every day — peo­ple who want to make a dif­fer­ence to their organ­i­sa­tions. But per­for­mance man­age­ment serves every­one, not just HR. We want­ed to hear the opin­ions of the peo­ple who use it every day (or annually). 

So we were inspired by that knowl­edge gap, and delight­ed to find plen­ty of thought lead­ers and influ­en­tial fig­ures who want­ed to con­tribute and have their say on how the UK does PM. Both Bar­ry Flack and Lucy Adams, whose work we’ve fol­lowed and respect­ed for years, have weighed in on the num­bers we’ve cap­tured and the con­clu­sions we’ve drawn. The smart folk over at Fos­way Group have lent their well-known impar­tial­i­ty and focus to the work by pro­vid­ing a fore­word. And Ian Macrae, whose work in per­for­mance psy­chol­o­gy has been a con­stant source of inspi­ra­tion to us over the last few months, has also shared his unique perspective.

Lucy Adams gets straight to the point with a pas­sion­ate call to make feed­back part of your every­day rou­tine. Ian Macrae looks a lit­tle deep­er at why our appetite for con­ver­sa­tions and feed­back, allied to sim­pler and more intu­itive sys­tems, grows and devel­ops as we get more of it. And final­ly, Bar­ry Flack takes a typ­i­cal­ly prag­mat­ic and irrev­er­ent look at why our man­agers (and our tech) need to come togeth­er to improve the employ­ee experience. 

Our report is avail­able now to down­load. It includes all of our research, essays from our three con­trib­u­tors and a fore­word from David Wil­son, man­ag­ing direc­tor of research gurus Fos­way Group. We’re already think­ing of next year’s edi­tion so if you think we’ve missed any­thing, or you’d like to high­light any trends or issues you’d like to see includ­ed in 2020, reach out to us by email or on social by using #ukpmreport2019.

The UK Performance Management Report 2019

You can now download the full report.

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